Saturday, February 10, 2007

SHIPS AHOY, yes today, Feb. 9th, we landed on Pitcairn Island just as Fletcher Christian did on Sept. 21st 1790 with 8 of the loyal crew from the Bounty and the Tahitian wives and children. They carried all their supplies up the steep hill and then burned the Bounty in the bay. The hid there for 24 years before being discovered by a British frigate. After climbing up the steep paved path we met up with the Scottish doctor who took us to the very top of the island on his 4 wheeler (not Bill) and also to his house. With 47 now residing on the island and 7 children in the school (other teens in school in New Zealand) it is a very isolated place. As you can see in the photo they came onboard 1st with 38 people and at least 100 bags of souvenirs to sell. It was like Filene’s basement in the Pacific. How thrilling this landing was although rough as we were not permitted ashore in Easter Isl.

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